
Monday, September 22, 2014

Bye Bye Birdie

And by Birdie, I mean pretty green paint. There was a sneak peek here, but we finally got the pole barn finished! We can no longer direct our lost friends by explaining 'the house with the ugly green pole barn'.

I think this lovely, mint-ish green was a popular color in the seventies and that roof was getting to be a fungus, yellow color. Plus, three out of the four sky lights were leaking every time the rain came in. So this spring when our local hardware had a paint sale - buy one gallon get one free, we decided that, even though we weren't quite ready to paint, we couldn't pass up two free gallons.

After a few months of the paint just sitting in the pole barn, we finally had a free weekend where the weather cooperated so we got to work.

We slapped a fresh coat of paint on everything. Front, sides, doors AND roof. A little boring, but we are much happier with it.


How about that roof now? The giant water hole isn't usually there, we've had an excessive amount of rain lately. Kelly jokes that we should just turn it into a duck pond.


And here are the bright new, crack-free skylights. Yay to no more setting buckets out when it rains!

I'm not sorry to say that we won't miss the old eye-sore.


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