
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Gallery Walls

When I was a child, my bedroom walls were plastered with pages that I had ripped from magazines. Mostly this one and this one. When I entered high school (where they had the lovely, sugar-filled vending machines) I drank Mello Yello like it was going out of style for the sole purpose of ripping off the labels and sticking them on my ceiling. My decorating style was definitely....eclectic.

As a first time homeowner, I didn't put one single thing on my walls but a mirror and a TV. After two years of blank walls, I got brave and hung a couple things in the bathroom with the commitment-free command hooks. I was glad of it when I moved out because there were only two holes to patch, but since we plan on staying in our current house for quite some time I'd really like a little decor on the walls.

I've compiled (and I mean piled) a group of photos, art, shelves, a skull mount and other things that I'd like to get up on our dining room wall.  Problem is, every time I lay everything out I get extremely nervous about putting it in the right place and it just goes back in a pile. Then I think, okay Allison, when did you get to be so ridiculous. If we don't like it, we can change it.

Here's some of the inspiration I've been checking out...

Finding Home

A nice mixture of art, photos and objects.
Love Grows Wild
Crushing on that big wooden arrow, along with the chalkboard sign, maps, housekeys and photos.

Lookie What I Did
An old clock, a concrete mirror, greenery, vintage keys and chalkboard signs hung on wooden knobs. Loving it.


Thoughts From Alice
Just because I have a penchant for anything that might resemble Alice in Wonderland.  
One of these days, I'm really going to do it. Really. 

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