
Thursday, March 19, 2015

National Agriculture Day

It was brought to my attention that National Agriculture Day was celebrated yesterday. Oops! One would think that a farmer's wife would know an important fact like that. Shame.

But, this whole farm world is new to me. Everything about it. I grew up completely ignorant of the farm world. I mean, I never even noticed the giant tractors sitting in the fields until my husband and I started dating. I couldn't have told you what a soybean plant looked like. And I certainly couldn't have told you what words like 'combine', 'commodity', 'cover crop' or 'bees wing' referenced.

It's been such an amazing journey learning everything that I have in the past couple of years. Whether its tilling, planting, harvesting, hauling or one of the bajillion things that need to be done in the meantime, I get to learn firsthand from my husband what it means to be a farmer. It certainly takes a special kind of person.

One day last year, his grandma bought this print for him. She said it reminded her of him, and I think she nailed it. 

Here's what it says...

I was born to be a farmer
It is what I know...
and what I love. Up before the crack of dawn with a morning ritual that includes a strong cup of joe, a quick glance at the weather and always a check on the market, because
I was born to be a farmer
It's overlooking the beauty...
of the earth and the smell of freshly tilled soil, entrusted to the vastness of what we call a field. It's watching and waiting to see all of those millions of little seeds start to sprout through the ground in rows as straight as a ruler, bringing great satisfaction, because
I was born to be a farmer
It's having great faith...
as the storm comes in, knowing that the green, tender plants could be wiped out in a matter of seconds. Or, when the rain simply doesn't come, and watching the plants wither until at the last minute of almost losing hope, a rain cloud comes. And the sky opens right at that moment, with just enough to get a little relief and a renewed faith, because
I was born to be a farmer
It's keeping up
with technology, realizing that it's a sure necessity. But always looking back with the fondest of memories and great admiration of how Dad and Grandpa did things, because
I was born to be a farmer
It's a partnership...
a partnership with the good Lord Almighty. Without Him, it could not be done. It is His divine guidance that gets me through each season, from the planting to the harvest. Through the storms and the drought...the highs and the lows. Some say it's a gamble, but to me, it's a way of life, because
I was born to be a farmer
-by Marla Rae Anders 

I feel very fortunate to be a part of this world, and especially lucky to be married to such a wonderful farmer!

Happy belated National Ag Day to all!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :) The only reason I knew about it was because of you & Ryan's Instagram!
