
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Candy Cookies

Are you ever at a loss as to what to do with all of your candy from Halloween?

I mean, of course you could just shove it in your mouth every time you walk past the candy bowl...that's what I like to do. But I figured if I magically turned all of that candy into cookies, we could eat half and give the rest away. Or put them in the freezer for later :)

Here is the recipe I used from Sally's Baking Addiction.

Instructions were to chop the baby Butterfingers, but in an effort to save yourself from extra dishes, feel free to use a meat tenderizer. I gave them all two light whacks and they were perfectly crumbly. Oh, also, I used ten instead of eight...rebel yell.

Feel free to make a gooey chewy cookie tower while you're at it.

They turned out melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Please don't take my word for it, you have to try. It's only 6 ingredients. You probably already have them in your cabinet. (Yes, I moonlight as a professional cookie pusher)

The recipe says to use an ungreased cookie sheet, but you will have to grease it or use a sheet of aluminum foil, because these puppies definitely stuck to the ungreased sheet.

Here are a few more recipes using other chocolate candies you might have left over.

Kit Kat Cake (say that five times fast)

Now, if only there was something to do with banana Laffy Taffy. Come back and let me know if you try any!

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