
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

This Past Weekend

Hello Lovelies :)

How have you been? What have you been up to? 

Sunday night, after finishing the weekend with some delicious chicken & dumplings and home made lemon meringue pie at my mother-in-law's house, we moved Adalynn from the cradle to her big girl crib! Although, that entailed taking the crib apart, bringing it downstairs and putting it back together in our bedroom :) 

I made the excuse that she still wakes up twice a night to eat - which is a valid excuse! - but we didn't want to put her upstairs all by herself yet. Thankfully, she made the transition like a champ.

Even better, I feel like we had a little breakthrough with her napping. I've tried all sorts of ways to get her to nap either in her cradle, in her crib or even laying in our bed. Nothing. Nada. The only way she would nap is on our someone's chest or in her bouncy seat.

So Monday, I, feeling positive from switcharoo the night before, was bound and determined to get her to nap in that crib. No matter what. And we did it! Mind you, it didn't happen until 4pm, but it happened. And I'm crossing my fingers that it happens today and tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next...

Also, I went to a conference on Saturday and the Cheff Center that taught about explosive behaviors and how to stop the meltdowns. It was a great conference and I learned a bunch that I can't wait to apply during lessons and everyday life. 

My favorite part that was something that I'd never heard before. 

'Kids do well if they can' not 'Kids do well if they wanna'

It made so much sense to me. As a child, I don't remember ever not wanting to do well. 

I took it to mean that if a child isn't doing well, we need to change up the plan. Figure out why. Maybe I'm explaining it in a way they can't understand. Maybe they're not ready for this step and we need to back it up. Maybe they won't be ready for it and we need to go in a different direction. 

I love that it focuses on figuring out what skill the child is lacking and not simply saying that 'she just won't do it'. Why won't she do it. What does she need in order to be able to do it? This belief turns the negative 'She just won't do it, she doesn't get what I'm saying, she's not cooperating' into something positive by asking yourself why won't she do it- is it the way I'm teaching or is there another roadblock we need to uncover? 

Conferences like that really get me motivated. Can you tell? Ramble ramble ramble...I'll end it here before going on and on :)

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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