
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kitchen Project {Part One}

Our kitchen project has been in the works for, oh, let’s just say quite some time now. No complaints, I don’t mind living in a ‘house in progress’. They all are anyways, right? Houses in progress?

What you can’t see behind that looming dark wall is a room full of big, bright windows. How nice would the kitchen be if we could knock out the top half and let in some light?

The plan was to remove the upper wall and cabinets, then top the counter with an elevated bar. We first carefully removed the cabinets and stashed them upstairs for later use. Then came the fun part. Honey was very hesitant to give me the hammer, but after I took a couple quick swings there was no turning back.


The two outlets had to be moved to make the bar the correct height. One went to the far right, just above the countertop on the kitchen wall. The second moved lower and to the opposite side of the wall on the back side of the cabinets.

After a bit of finesse with a jigsaw, we were left with this!  


Look at all of that beautiful, bright, natural light! A fresh coat of paint never hurt either. The end goal is to frame in all of the open beams to get the effect of a chunky, naked barn beam. It will form a ‘T’ to the ground, with an elevated bar top above the counter.  

Are there any projects going on in your neck of the woods?
*Progress Update - Part Two, Part Three 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's Summer, Remember?

I’m digging the cool temps this summer. Days spent working in the yard and riding without sweat dripping down your back. Nights with the windows open, the crisp breeze carrying the faint smell of faraway bonfires and fresh cut grass.  
Alas, it’s making me pine for pumpkin bread, hot cider and a walk down a crunchy, leaf-covered trail.

So in an effort to keep in mind that it is, in fact, summertime, here are some bright and sunny things from around the web.

DIY Painted rug via A Beautiful Mess
Welcoming Print
Rottweilers thinking they are bird dogs
Michigan Brewed Summer Ale
I hope everyone is enjoying the season in their own special way!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Silver Lake

Over the July 4th holiday weekend, I took my first trip to Silver Lake State Park on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Driving in northern Michigan is beautiful, but when the trees cleared and I was left looking out over Silver Lake to these mountainous golden sand dunes topped with a setting sun, my jaw dropped.   

Beautiful, no?

We stayed in a tent at a quiet little campground called Silver Hills.

(Photo Credit: Silver Hills)

We had bonfires at night and woke up in the wee hours to beat the breakfast rush at a yummy diner in town.

From there we would head into the dunes, which was a complete experience in itself!


(not our vehicle)

On the lakeshore the speed limit is 25, so it’s safe to park and walk along the beach.

A John Deere tractor missing its little person


On the day of the 4th, we left the dunes early and drove back to the campground where we cooked our dinner over the fire. After a couple games of bean bags, we headed to town for some shopping, go-carts and zip lining. We walked to the ice cream shop before claiming a spot on the beach with a blanket for the fireworks show.

It’s a beautiful place and I can’t wait for next year.

Have you ever been?