
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Kitchen Ceiling Demolition

There is nothing that motivates me to clean the kitchen more than it being covered in blown insulation and mouse turds. Can you imagine a little of that sprinkled on your Sunday night dinner?

We have continued our kitchen project in the most disgusting of ways. Not a lot of words needed here, I'll let the pictures tell the story...

Forewarning...the next pictures are not pretty.

Damaged ceiling.

When we pulled the trim away from the windows, we found one of the reasons the kitchen is so drafty. There is zero insulation around the window. Zero.

And this was the crazy trim around the ceiling.

Before we could remove the cabinets, Honey had to detach the light from underneath. Meanwhile, I emptied the cabinets.

The next day, I started demolishing the ceiling while Kelly was at work. 

Notice the location of that stool? And notice all of the bead and mouse turd insulation? All of that dumped on my head. Yea. Like, how many blondes does it take to figure it out.

It was a hot mess.

Then we found this...

It's a fan from a funeral home in town.  One of my good friend's family owns it now, so when I texted him the picture to see how old it was he told me that those people are who his grandpa bought the funeral home from back in the 50s.

Crazy that we started this project on New Years day and found this guy. Does anyone know what it is? Looks like one of the little cones that you'd make for May Day and hang on people's doorknobs.

Kelly's Uncle very sweetly offered to help us hang the drywall, so him & Aunt Jen stopped over the other weekend to help us figure out what we need accomplish before that can happen. That led us to framing the ceiling and installing the recessed lighting, along with a few other things.

So this is where we're at currently. Kelly's stepdad is going to help us with the electrical, so they stopped over the other night to see what we were thinking and start a bit of a game plan.

I feel a little bit like it's an Amish barn raising with all of the help we're getting! We're very lucky to have such wonderful family who are so willing to lend a hand.

So wish us luck that hopefully I'll be sharing another update soon...otherwise, you know what I'm cooking in.


  1. Hate to date myself, but! I remember those fans... and Allison, Grandpa Jim's middle name came from Lynn Chappell.... They were very close friends of my parents, and we kids spent a lot of time at the funeral home... oh the stories I could tell... but I won't! Some are a bit disgusting! :)
    Your great aunt from Iowa!

    1. Hi aunt Phil! We would love to hear those stories sometime! Maybe just not after lunch :)
      Kelly is asking what was the saying... Jimmy lynny curly something?
