
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Another Critter to the Clan

So you've all met our dogs, and most recently our chickens, and now we're adding another to the clan, but this time, it's a...!  Of the human variety :)

Next week marks four months that the little one has been cooking, all the books tell me it's between the size of an apple and an avocado. Yum :)

I debated taking a bump picture, but as of right now it's not looking like a cute little baby bump. It looks like a beer belly. So maybe next month :)

We heard the heartbeat a few weeks ago and it was the coolest thing. It sounded like playing basketball underwater, it was very strange.

It was also weird because I'm sure if it was anyone else's baby I was hearing, I'd think 'oh okay that's neat' and that about it. Except because it's in my tummy I was like AAAAHHH! And holding back tears because if Kelly wasn't crying then by golly neither was I!

Not a lot of details yet, other that it's due December 11th. We're excited to find out the gender in a couple of weeks.

How can people wait for that? I would never be able to make it a whole 9 months without knowing the gender, if given the option.  Kudos to the people who really like surprises!

So. Kelly thinks it's twins (in all seriousness), I have a feeling that it's a girl.

Do you have any guesses? Boy? Girl? Twins?

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