
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Boone Hall Plantation, South Carolina

We were fortunate to be able to tour Boone Hall Plantation while on our vacation. It's located near Charleston in a place called Mount Pleasant.

Here are some more photos and a little of the history that we learned...

Entering the plantation grounds down the Avenue of the Oaks is both breathtaking and erie. These trees were planted over 270 years ago. The history that these trees have seen, if only they could talk. The horrors of slavery, the slow abolishment, the lives and deaths of the plantation owners, and the turn of three centuries.

Their main crop was pecans, I never would've guessed! They also produced bricks - up to 4,000 per day produced entirely by the slaves.

Fireplace, anyone? The original home was a white, two-story farmhouse that was dismantled by the new owners around 1935, which is when they built the beautiful gem above.

These were the servant quarters that the slaves were forced to build themselves. 

The buildings were like mini museums, each dedicated to black history with different themes for every building such as civil rights struggles, emancipation, leaders, family life and many more.   

Here are a few of the horses in their giant paddocks under the massive oak trees, it was a gorgeous sight. You see why some people call them 'yard ornaments'... Don't you think a few would really spruce up our yard? 

We also watched a little show about the Gullah culture, which was very interesting. A sweet older lady was dressed up in a home made gingham dress, apron and bonnet and told stories and sang for us. She spoke a bit in the Gullah language that she was taught by her grandmother who lived to be 109 years old.

We later found her sitting in the shade on the dock with her husband. He told us all about the dolphins that swim up the estuaries right in front of the dock every morning, then he invited Kelly to bring his fishing pole back that evening because the fishing is great in that area. I swear, my honey has such a magnetic personality, he makes friends everywhere he goes.

I was sad to leave without a horseback ride, but seeing as how it was about 92 degrees I was ready to get back into the pool! If you're ever in the area, it's a nice stop filled with lots of rich history.

Have you ever been? What about to any other plantations?


  1. This was one of the shooting locations for the 1985 TV series North and South, it was the home of Orry Maine (Patrick Swayze)

    1. Interesting, I didn't know that! Thanks for the infomation :)
