
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Adalynn {at 6 months}

Yea, six months. As in half a year. Truly unbelievable.

In a short six months, she's gone from a little wrinkly lump who couldn't hold up her own head or stay awake for more than half an hour, to this;

That's her visiting with her Uncle Cooper the other day. She sure loves her family! 

Here are a few things that have been going on with her, if you're interested...

 Sleeping: We love to sleep. That is, once we finally get to sleep :) Some nights we might have to go back in the room, quite a few times, but for the most part we try to have her sleeping by 7:30. Once asleep, she usually sleeps soundly until she eats at about 5 or 6am, then goes back to sleep until 9 - 10. She's also a pretty good napper, even if they only usually last about half an hour :) 

Eating: She just started solid foods at five and a half months. So far, she's had pureed carrots and sweet potatoes, both thinned with breast milk. We just started apples a couple days ago, along with green beans. It took two weeks of practicing before she decided to actually swallow any food! 

Motor Skills: Rolling front to back and, more recently, back to front. She's pretty good at sitting up on her own,  but you have to watch her carefully because she'll still wobble face-plant. 

Favorite Things: Sucking on her toes (it's the cutest). Socks are impossible to keep on at this point, she loves to take them off and chew on them. Grabbing anything within reach and sticking it straight into her mouth...or licking it. That's fun too :) 

Dislikes: Not much lately! Occasionally she fights sleep. Other than that, she's a pretty happy camper. 

Momma's Favorite Things:
Watching her quizzically explore things that she's grabbed. It's amazing to see her touching, tasting & analyzing different objects.  

Daddy's Favorite Things:
He thinks it's awesome that she's gone mobile. Lay her on the floor and she'll roll lickety-split all over the place. 

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